Meet the Staff – Mazrukh Rohan

Introducing Maz, a dynamic member of the Harris Black team. Maz brings a unique energy with his passion for cricket, flair for cooking, and fondness for sideburns. Let’s get to know Maz better through his interview responses.

When asked about his favourite meal, Maz’s taste buds tingle at the thought of Kachhi biriyani, a mouth-watering dish of mutton and rice. On a deserted island, Maz would bring along a sleeping bag, cricket gear, and a metal straw for drinking coconuts.

Cricket and streaming movies and TV shows are Maz’s favourite hobbies, showcasing his love for both sports and entertainment. Maz even dreams of sideburns making a fashionable comeback, adding a touch of nostalgia to his style.

While not directly related to anyone famous, Maz proudly mentions that his wife’s uncle was a character in the popular British TV show “Mind the Language.” When it comes to his dream meal companions, Maz would love to share a memorable meal with his Mum, Dad, Wife, and Grandmother.

As for his dream car, Maz envisions any vehicle with Bluetooth and the freedom of a convertible. Looking ahead, Maz is excited about getting in shape for the upcoming cricket season, determined to give his best performance on the field.

Maz’s culinary skills shine through his favourite dishes, including Tuna kebab, Thai chicken corn soup, and a refreshing glass of lemonade. However, His go-to drink of choice is a Corona beer with a zesty touch of lime. Fluent in Bangla and Hindi, Maz embraces his multicultural background.

To kickstart his day on a high note, Maz believes a full breakfast is the best way to fuel himself.

Rather than fixating on a specific age, Maz values personal growth and has no immediate plans for retirement, finding fulfilment in his work. Maz’s ability to deliver a compelling 40-minute presentation on why test cricket is the best highlights his deep knowledge and passion for the sport.

If granted a superpower, Maz would choose the ability to take a nap while standing, allowing him to rejuvenate on the go.

Maz’s enthusiasm for cricket, culinary talents, and unique quirks make him an invaluable asset to the Harris Black team. We are excited to witness Maz’s continued contributions and success within the firm.

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