Meet The Staff – Dayne Larosa

Allow us to introduce Dayne, the newest addition to the Harris Black team. Joining us as an Administrative Assistant, Dayne brings with her enthusiasm, warmth, and a passion for providing exceptional support. Let’s delve into Dayne’s world and learn more about her unique qualities and experiences.

If Dayne could only eat one meal for the rest of her life, it would be Adobo with rice, a dish she loves to cook along with other favorites like Tang and coffee jelly. Her go-to drink is Coke, and her hobbies include singing, cooking, and watching action movies. She aspires to perfect her singing skills and dreams of owning a Lamborghini.

Dayne’s ideal superpower would be flying, granting her the freedom to travel anywhere. With a million dollars, she would embark on a journey around the world. The most relaxing place she has ever been is Palawan in the Philippines.

Given the chance to share a meal with any four individuals, Dayne would choose her grandmother, grandfather, Kobe Bryant, and Paul Walker. A guiding principle in her life is the quote, “Do not do unto others what you do not want others do unto you.”

In the coming months, Dayne is eagerly anticipating her daughter’s 7th birthday party. We look forward to seeing Dayne thrive and contribute to the Harris Black team with her remarkable qualities. Welcome, Dayne!

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